Smt. Shruti Bhargav, Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Ahmedabad
नास्ति विद्यासमो बन्धुर्नास्ति विद्यासम: सुहृत।
नास्ति विद्यासमं वित्तं नास्ति विद्यासमं सुखम्।।
विद्या जैसा बंधु नहीं, विद्या जैसा मित्र नहीं, (और) विद्या जैसा अन्य कोई धन या सुख नहीं।
Education is the foundation of man on which the future of man is built. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, with its continuous efforts towards education, is making a meaningful effort to ignite the divine flame of knowledge in the students through various Kendriya Vidyalayas of India. All my senior officers, colleagues, teachers and employees of this organization are making a meaningful effort to make education reach every student with full dedication.
The Principal also plays an important role in the management of various areas of the school such as academic, administrative and financial areas. Keeping in mind these main aspects of the school, the Principal makes an adjusted plan for his school. The educational and non-educational staff of the school play an important role in completing the said plan in accordance with their goals.
Positivity is essential for running a successful school. Positivity is one such aspect which plays a very important role in developing the personality of an individual. School has the responsibility to develop a positive attitude towards life, peers and the world in general. In the same vein, it would not be superfluous to mention the need for tolerance towards each other in the current style obsessed world.
The future citizens of our country who are currently the students of our school, whom we are nurturing educationally, need to be humanely tolerant towards each other, patriotic towards their country as well as tolerant towards the ideologies of other countries to be truly called enlightened citizens of the world.
NEP 2020 and NCF talk of sweeping changes in examinations, education system, language skills and vacation skills. We need to read NCF in depth and try to explain these changes to parents, students and teachers.
Finally with the hope that God blesses all the efforts made by us and guides us in every way in this new academic session. I wish a bright future to all the students who are building their future in the educational environment of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.